A full description of all stages of the Humaniversity Aum Meditation  (There is different music with each stage)

First Stage - Return to hell

In the first stage you put out all your negativity, frustrations and anger.
You take a powerful stand with your feet shoulder wide apart and knees bent.
You stand in front of another person and make fists, look into their eyes
and shout continuously with all your power - starting with 'I am angry'  or 'no' .
Experienced participants may use free association. Go to as many people as possible.

This stage allows you to express your No to create space for a Yes. It opens
the door for love and to coming closer to people. You experience being in
your power.

Second  Stage - Healing

Move towards someone, put your hands on each others shoulders
and say the words: "I'm sorry if I hurt you" Then hug.
Move around, meet different people in this way.

Third Stage - Heaven

In this stage you turn the energy around to 'Love'. Stand in front of
someone, hold hands, look into their eyes and say 'I Love You' and hug.
Express all the appreciation and love you have for the other. Go towards the
people you shouted at the most during the first stage.

Saying yes in this stage allows the possibility of you to bypass pain and
connect with the healing power of love. You will feel nourished by
expressing your love and hearing that you are lovable.

Fourth Stage - Second Wind

The third stage is about going beyond your limits, jumping into the unknown,
taking a risk and finding out you have more energy than your mind can

Run on the spot with your arms up, knees lifting high and with flat feet
making contact with the earth. Stay connected with each other and make a
sound. You soon experience going beyond exhaustion. The body becomes lighter
making it easier to run. Your energy field expands.

Fiftth Stage - Kundalini Rising

Take a grounded position and let the whole body shake, starting with the
knees, the hips and the whole body follows. The head and jaw remains loose.
The energy generated from the second wind helps you relax into shaking

The energy can transform into subtle energies and spread all over the boy.
The body is in a vibrant state. Healing can happen on all levels taking you
to a state of well being, happiness and clarity of mind.

Sixth Stage - Cuckoo's Nest

When you express your madness consciously, you remain sane. Move breathe and
make a sound. Do whatever comes up, scream, throw a tantrum, act like a
crazy person, jump, cry. Do not hurt yourself or others in the process.

Freaking out in Greek means catharsis which means cleaning. When the old
suppressed energies are cleaned out you become more alive in the moment and in
touch with your feelings.

Seventh Stage - Free

Celebrate your life and dance. Express whatever you feel through the
movement of your body. Dancing is sharing one's inner experience through non
verbal communication. Through dance you can show who you are. It is the
purest way to make love to the universe and it can raise you up to ecstasy.

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